About the TFF

The Tommy Fuss Fund is a private foundation established by the Fuss family in memory of their son to promote medical research to further our understanding of mental illness and develop more effective means of diagnosing and treating the disease.  Research aimed at identifying risk factors and biomarkers, in the field of genetics and in furthering our understanding of how the brain works should result in new and improved diagnoses and treatments.


In addition to establishing The Tommy Fuss Fund, the Fuss family along with The Tommy Fuss Team is remembering Tommy by raising awareness and removing the stigmas associated with mental illness. The Tommy Fuss Team participates each year in the Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. For further information about the Tommy Fuss Team click here.


The star logo of the Tommy Fuss Fund is taken from a complex drawing done by Tommy with a mechanical pencil and Belmont Hill School graph paper. The overlapping lines and the complicated interior designs they form are symbolic of the complexity of the mental health issues that are the focus of the Fund. The star shape itself represents both our hope of understanding and finding a cure for mental illness and our goal of improving the lives of those who suffer from it.


According to the IRS tax code The Tommy Fuss Fund is a private, non-operating
foundation and as such does not accept donations from the general public.